Smashing Everything We Love About Humanity Into One Convenient Package (CIB #189)

This week we’re trying to figure out what sorts of conversations are appropriate for the group chat and what belongs in some other medium, Apple’s latest humanity-annihilating advertising campaign, and why the Biden administration and campaign seems so uninterested in talking to vast number of normies who aren’t currently occupying tents on college campuses around the country. Listen, if you must! Has something we said, or failed to say, made you FEEL something? You can tell us all about it on our Substack, leave a comment on the show’s page on our website, or you can send us an email here. Enjoy!

For a show rundown and all relevant linkage, please visit the show’s Substack.

A Special Set of Skills for the Post-Apocalypse (CIB #190)

A Lot of What Goes On In Boarding School (CIB #188)